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Teie ostukorvis pole rohkem tooteid
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29,99 €
The Basil Bremen Bicycle Basket is a practical choice of storage that easily fits to the front of your bike.
31,99 €
The Basil Bremen KF is a modern and sturdy bicycle basket for attachment to the handlebars of a ladies’ or men`s bicycle. The black basket is suitable for KF systems (sold separately).
32,00 €
Puhas ja vaikselt töötav vahapõhine määrdeaine, mis sobib ideaalselt täienduseks meie kuumsulavahale või kasutamiseks iseseisvalt.
34,95 €
Kahe väga usaldusväärse valgusti, Stud 33 ja Salute kombinatsioon. Mõlemad tuled on kompaktsed ja pakuvad heledat valguse väljundit. Stud 33 on tuntud oma nutika valgusvihu kuju poolest, mis pakub laia vaatevälja, ilma et see pimestaks vastutulevat liiklust. Salute tagab tänu oma heledale valgusvoogudele teie nähtavuse teistele liiklejatele tagantpoolt....
35,00 €
Pro Blendr on parim arvutiintegratsioonisüsteem, mis võimaldab puhast ja lihtsat paigaldust otse Knock Blockile.
37,00 €
A compact multi-tool that is designed for integrated storage in compatible Trek road frames.
39,95 €
When you want a small headlight with as much power as possible, you have to go for the NanoStrike.
39,95 €
To keep track of your speed while riding your bike, your computer can probably use its GPS system, but to make sure you got the right data everywhere at any time, the SmartSpeed will help you. Attach the SmartSpeed easily to the axle of any wheel, and connect it with your ANT+ computer. Easy and fast accurate data!
39,95 €
Slide Combo valguskomplekt on mõeldud teie jalgrattasõidu ohutuse suurendamiseks. Slide-tuled on kompaktsed ja multifunktsionaalsed, varustatud klambri ja rihmaga. Märkimisväärne on USB-porti kattev veekindel libisev süsteem, mis tagab vastupidavuse.
42,24 €
64,99 €
This compact yet powerful USB-rechargeable front bike light can be seen from over 2km away, day or night.
45,00 €
The ulimate clip-on mudguard set for road bikes for tyre width up to 25mm. Its smart, double hinged quick release fitting system also fits aero forks and is also compatible with disc brakes, direct mount brakes and thru axles.
45,00 €
The ulimate clip-on mudguard set for road bikes for tyre width up to 25mm. Its smart, double hinged quick release fitting system also fits aero forks and is also compatible with disc brakes, direct mount brakes and thru axles.
45,00 €
Keep your must-have accessories within reach for the ride ahead with an easy-to-access Trek Adventure Top Tube Bag.
45,00 €
You will choose this bottle cage that only weighs 24 grams.
53,10 €
59,00 €
Adapts a thru axle hub bike for a Saris bike trainer.