Seonduvad tooted

Tire levers One
Viimased tooted laos

Tire levers One

2,50 €
You can rock these levers every day. They are robust and made of very durable nylon, almost unbreakable. We just hope you won't need them that often.
Muc Off 16g CO₂ Cartridge
In stock
CO2 pumbad

Muc Off 16g CO₂ Cartridge

4,29 €
Co2 cartridges have many benefits. Big enough to pump up your road bike tire up to 125 psi or 8,2 bar. Enough to continue your ride without any problems and in a few seconds of time.
Repair kit BBB BTL-80D LeakFix Repair kit BBB BTL-80D LeakFix 2
In stock

Repair kit BBB BTL-80 LeakFix

4,75 €
A classic in the cycling world that still does the job. The LeakFix will help you when you have a flat tire
Vesipudel Trek Stars
In stock

Vesipudel Trek Stars

trek_ Stars_bottle
7,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Vesipudel Trek Barn
In stock

Vesipudel Trek Barn

7,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Muc-Off All Weather Lube 50ml Muc-Off All Weather Lube 50ml 2
In stock

Muc-Off All Weather Lube 50ml

7,99 €
Muc-Off All-Weather Chain Lube on suure jõudlusega sünteetiline määrdeaine. Ainulaadne vett tõrjuv, mitte-kleepuv koostis tungib sügavale kettakettide lülide sisse, et luua vastupidav kaitsev kate, mis kaitseb metalli ja metalli vahelise korrosiooni eest. Ainulaadne ekstreemse rõhu lisaaine segu tagab, et määrde peab vastu ka kõige raskematele sõitudele....
Rear light BBB BLS-78 RearLaser 3 Rear light BBB BLS-78 RearLaser 3 2
In stock
Tagumised tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-78 RearLaser 3

9,95 €
Välja töötatud kasutamiseks linna- või matkarattal linnateedel kasutamiseks. Toitub kahe kolmekordse A-tüüpi akuga. Väljundiks kolm punast valgusdioodi. Lihtne kinnitada jope või seljakoti rihma külge. Klambril on kiirkinnitusfunktsioon, et te saaksite valgusti eemaldada, et seda ei varastataks. See on hõlpsasti haaratav valgus, kui vajate jalgrattal...
Water Bottle Trek Fly 750ml Grey/White
  • Uus
In stock
10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Water Bottle Trek Fly 750ml Clear/Black
In stock
10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Water Bottle Trek Fly 750ml Dark Blue/Clear
In stock
10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Lidl-Trek Team 550ml Water Bottle Lidl-Trek Team 550ml Water Bottle 2
In stock
10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Chain checker BBB BTL-125 ChainChecker Chain checker BBB BTL-125 ChainChecker 2
In stock

Chain checker BBB BTL-125 ChainChecker

10,95 €
With the chain wear checking tool ChainChecker BTL-125 it is quick and easy to know whether the chain has reached a wear of 0.75 or 1.
Muc-Off Bio chain cleaner Muc-Off Bio chain cleaner 2
In stock
11,99 €
Clean even the dirtiest chains with our fast acting, easy to use Bio formula!
Bell BBB BBB-17D Noisy Bell BBB BBB-17D Noisy 2
In stock

Bell BBB BBB-17D Noisy

12,95 €
A loud and good looking bell for every bike The Noisy is, as the name says, noisy! Luckily its looks make up for that. This stylish bell is easy to attach and available in three different colors. Make sure you are safe and heard on the road.
GO Frame Mount for small frames and 29ers
In stock
12,99 €
This metal frame bar is the ideal solution for bicycles with a small frame or 29ers that need a bar that fits in the frame, without the risk of the safety seat touching the rear wheel.
Muc Off Claw Brush Muc Off Claw Brush 2
In stock

Muc Off Claw Brush

12,99 €
High quality construction with three brush heads.
TREK Enduro Front Mudguard black TREK Enduro Front Mudguard black 2
In stock
13,00 €
An easy-to-install mudguard for blocking tyre spray and protecting fork stanchions in sloppy conditions.
BBB BSB-161M Cargo Straps (2 pcs) black 19x355mm BBB BSB-161M Cargo Straps (2 pcs) black 19x355mm 2
In stock
13,95 €
Multifunktsionaalne CargoStrap võib igal hetkel kasuks tulla! Seda kahest CargoStrapsist koosnevat komplekti saab kasutada asjade kinnitamiseks ja kinnitamiseks jalgratta külge. Tugevad rihmad tagavad teie asjade turvalisuse ja neid saab kasutada mitmel viisil, et muuta teie sõit pisut lihtsamaks. Olge loovad ja avastage CargoStraps'i mugavus.
Stem part Bontrager Blendr GoPro Mount
  • Uus
In stock
14,99 €
Blendr is the ultimate integration system for clean and easy installation of lights, computers, and other accessories.
Mudguard Ass Savers Mudder Mini SQUID Mudguard Ass Savers Mudder Mini SQUID 2
In stock
15,00 €
The Mudder Mini interferes only minimally and protects what is important. He not only protects your headset and face, but also ensures that your handlebar bag stays clean and dry. Mudder Mini is the perfect complement to the Win Wing Gravel.
Ass Savers MFM-1 Mudder Mini Mudguard - black Ass Savers MFM-1 Mudder Mini Mudguard - black 2
In stock
15,00 €
The Mudder Mini interferes only minimally and protects what is important. He not only protects your headset and face, but also ensures that your handlebar bag stays clean and dry. Mudder Mini is the perfect complement to the Win Wing Gravel.
Trek Madone SLR Gen 6 Blendr Mono Base Trek Madone SLR Gen 6 Blendr Mono Base 2
Viimased tooted laos
15,00 €
Blendr is the ultimate integration system for clean and easy installation of lights, computers, and other accessories.
Lube Muc-Off C3 Dry Ceramic
In stock

Lube Muc-Off C3 Dry Ceramic

18,99 €
The ultimate chain lubricant for unparalleled performance in dry, dusty or damp conditions.
Fender Trek Blendr Fendr
In stock

Fender Trek Blendr Fendr

16,00 €
A quick-and-easy clip-on mudguard designed to work with the Trek Blendr Saddle Bag and Blendr saddle accessory mounts.
Trek Comp Multi-Tool
In stock

Trek Comp Multi-Tool

16,00 €
A basic multi-tool that is easy to use and a staple for every tool kit.
Ketiõli Muc-Off All Weather 120ml Ketiõli Muc-Off All Weather 120ml 2
In stock
16,99 €
Muc-Off All-Weather Chain Lube on suure jõudlusega sünteetiline määrdeaine. Ainulaadne vett tõrjuv, mitte-kleepuv koostis tungib sügavale kettakettide lülide sisse, et luua vastupidav kaitsev kate, mis kaitseb metalli ja metalli vahelise korrosiooni eest. Ainulaadne ekstreemse rõhu lisaaine segu tagab, et määrde peab vastu ka kõige raskematele sõitudele....
Muc-Off Bike protect Muc-Off Bike protect 2
In stock

Muc-Off Bike protect

16,99 €
Bike Protect is the ultimate liquid bicycle protection. Preserve and freshen your bike with Bike Protect’s incredible water dispersing action!
Pump Bontrager Air Support Comp Pump Bontrager Air Support Comp 2
Viimased tooted laos
Mini pumbad

Pump Bontrager Air Support Comp

17,00 €
Kompaktne käsipump, mida saab hõlpsasti jalgratta külge kinnitada või mis mahub jalgrattakotti, et oleksite valmis läbikukkumisteks.
Rear light BBB BLS-147 Spot black Rear light BBB BLS-147 Spot black 2
In stock
Tagumised tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-147 Spot black

17,95 €
Suurepärane nähtavus, kompaktsus ja hea aku - Spotil on kõik see olemas! Ja kui sellest veel ei piisaks, saab spetsiaalset rihma paigaldada raami külge ja rihma on lihtne kinnitada riiete, koti või isegi kiivri külge. Tänu 3 valgusdioodile oled sa iga nurga alt nähtav ja mini USB-kaabli abil saad Spot'i lihtsalt ja kiiresti laadida. Nagu näete, on meie...
Bontrager Transmitr MicroRemote Bontrager Transmitr MicroRemote 2
  • −55%
Viimased tooted laos
17,98 € 39,95 €
Bontrager Transmitr MicroRemote allows you to wirelessly control the functions of up to four Bontrager RT lights simultaneously. This sleek, compact remote communicates with your lights using ANT+ wireless technology, mounts easily to any handlebar, and can even be used in place of a bar end plug with an additional mount. Keep your light controls within...
Muc-Off carbon gripper 75g Muc-Off carbon gripper 75g 2
In stock

Muc-Off carbon gripper 75g

18,99 €
Is your Carbon Seatpost slipping? Don't get stressed, get Carbon Gripper!
CyclingCeramic Starter Pack wax
In stock

CyclingCeramic Starter Pack wax

19,00 €
CyclingCeramic Starter Chain Wax komplekt on parim valik kirglikele jalgratturitele, kes on mures oma jõuülekande jõudluse ja vastupidavuse pärast. See kõrgekvaliteediliste koostisosadega valmistatud vaha pakub erakordset kaitset kulumise, korrosiooni ja mustuse kogunemise eest, tagades samal ajal sujuva ja tõhusa jõuülekande. See kõige nõudlikumateks...
Bontrager Elite Recycled Water Bottle Cage white
In stock
19,00 €
See taaskasutatud materjalidest valmistatud pudelipesa on vastupidav ja taskukohase komposiitkonstruktsiooniga, mis sobib kasutamiseks maanteel või MTB-l.
Bottle cage BBB BBC-36 FlexCage gloss black Bottle cage BBB BBC-36 FlexCage gloss black 2
In stock
19,95 €
Selle pudelipuuri paindlik komposiitmaterjal võimaldab pudelit hõlpsasti sisse panna ja välja võtta, kuid samas hoiab pudelit kindla haardega paigal. Kerge ja saadaval erinevates värvides, et see sobiks alati teie jalgrattaga!
Rear light BBB BLS-236 Slide Rear light BBB BLS-236 Slide 2
Viimased tooted laos
Jalgratta tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-236 Slide

19,95 €
Slide jalgratta tagumine tuli: kompaktne USB-laetav tuli, mis on mõeldud teie nähtavuse suurendamiseks mitmesuguste paigaldusvõimalustega. Kinnitage see hõlpsasti kaasasoleva rihmakinnitusega või kinnitage see oma koti või vöö külge.
Sweat guard Cycleops
  • −20%
Viimased tooted laos
Seonduvad tooted

Sweat guard Cycleops

20,00 € 25,00 €
The CycleOps Sweat Guard is designed to keep corrosive sweat from reaching your frame, and to protect your smart phone.
copy of Muc-Off Bike protect copy of Muc-Off Bike protect 2
In stock

copy of Muc-Off Bike protect

21,49 €
Bike Protect is the ultimate liquid bicycle protection. Preserve and freshen your bike with Bike Protect’s incredible water dispersing action!
Front light BBB BLS-151D Spark 2.0 USB black Front light BBB BLS-151D Spark 2.0 USB black 2
In stock
21,95 €
An allround light, good for every situation and with all the handy features you need. Easy to strap on any bike. Ready for every situation with the day flash mode, the extending flash mode and the memory mode. The Spark 2.0 is completely waterproof with the self-locking USB port. 
Water Bottle Cage TREK Side-Load Left Olive Grey Water Bottle Cage TREK Side-Load Left Olive Grey 2
In stock
22,00 €
The Side Load Recycled Water Bottle Cage lets you easily access bottles while you ride. It's built from recycled materials and fits neatly in small spaces, making it the ideal choice for smaller frames and full-suspension bikes, and when using a frame bag. Great for mountain and road riding alike. Using recycled materials in this product helps provide a...
Front light BBB BLS-143 Stud 33 black Front light BBB BLS-143 Stud 33 black 2
In stock
22,95 €
The Stud 33 is our choice for use in and around the city. The 33 Lux/ 130 lumen emitted provides more than enough light to maneuver through traffic and be seen by other traffic road users. The smart light beam allows a wide field of vision without blinding upcoming traffic. Operating the light is user friendly due to the special memory mode. The Stud 33...
Pagasikott Basil Mara double bag, 26L, must Pagasikott Basil Mara double bag, 26L, must 2
In stock
22,99 €
Basil Mara on kaasaegne topelt jalgrattakott, mida saab kinnitada pagasiriiuli külge. See kott on valmistatud veekindlast polüestrist. Topelthelkurid tagavad suurema ohutuse ja nähtavuse teel. Mahutavus 26 liitrit.
Muc-Off Wash Protect and Wet Lube kit Muc-Off Wash Protect and Wet Lube kit 2
In stock
Jalgratta puhastus

Muc-Off Wash Protect and Wet Lube kit

23,99 €
The Muc-Off Wash Protect and Lube kit contains three essential items you need to look after your bicycle!
Muc-Off Wash Protect and Dry Lube kit Muc-Off Wash Protect and Dry Lube kit 2
In stock
Jalgratta puhastus

Muc-Off Wash Protect and Dry Lube kit

23,99 €
The Muc-Off Wash Protect and Lube kit contains three essential items you need to look after your bicycle!
Muc Off Rainproof Essentials Case Hi-Vis Muc Off Rainproof Essentials Case Hi-Vis 2
In stock
24,95 €
Come rain or shine, our Rainproof Essentials Case is the storage solution for all bike riders; from the trails to the tarmac and everything in-between. 
Rainproof Essentials Case Muc-Off Rainproof Essentials Case Muc-Off 2
In stock
24,95 €
Come rain or shine, our Rainproof Essentials Case is the storage solution for all bike riders; from the trails to the tarmac and everything in-between. 
Front light BBB BLS-141 Stud black Front light BBB BLS-141 Stud black 2
In stock
24,95 €
Üks meie kõige kompaktsemaid ja hõlpsamini kasutatavaid esilaternaid on Stud. Stud on ideaalne valik linna jaoks. Studi esilaternaga veendute, et te ei pimesta kedagi, ruudukujuline valgusvihk hoiab valguse madalal, kuid siiski väga mugavalt, et te näeksite, mis teie ees on.
SKS VELO 65 MOUNTAIN mudguards, 26"-27.5" SKS VELO 65 MOUNTAIN mudguards, 26"-27.5" 2
In stock
24,99 €
Whether in the forest or on meadow tracks – the SKS VELO 65 MOUNTAIN mudguards are the ideal companions for mountain bikers. The clip-on mudguards can be attached to almost any frame tubes without tools using the practical universal fastening.
Kickstand One DM.STAND 18
In stock

Kickstand One DM.STAND 18

25,00 €
Decent stability of your bike resting on all surfaces can be ensured with a rear brace stand only.
Trek RSL Aero Water Bottle grey Trek RSL Aero Water Bottle grey 2
In stock
27,00 €
The fast and functional RSL Aero Water Bottle and Cage makes your bike faster and keeps you hydrated.
ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | SQUID ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | SQUID 2
In stock
27,00 €
Win Wing 2 is here! Stronger, gentler and darker, the fastest clip-on gravel mudguard on the market just got even better! The Black Dot design is the understated, yet refined version of the popular rear fender.  The Win Wing 2 Gravel fits practically any gravel bike, protecting the rider in even the worst conditions. No matter the terrain, on-road or...
ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | detour ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | detour 2
In stock
27,00 €
Win Wing 2 is here! Stronger, gentler and darker, the fastest clip-on gravel mudguard on the market just got even better! The Black Dot design is the understated, yet refined version of the popular rear fender.  The Win Wing 2 Gravel fits practically any gravel bike, protecting the rider in even the worst conditions. No matter the terrain, on-road or...
ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | Black ASS SAVERS Mudguard Win Wing 2 Gravel | Black 2
In stock
27,00 €
Win Wing 2 is here! Stronger, gentler and darker, the fastest clip-on gravel mudguard on the market just got even better! The Black Dot design is the understated, yet refined version of the popular rear fender.  The Win Wing 2 Gravel fits practically any gravel bike, protecting the rider in even the worst conditions. No matter the terrain, on-road or...
Bontrager Pro Blendr Computer Mount
In stock
28,00 €
Pro Blendr on vastupidavast alumiiniumist valmistatud ülimalt puhas ja lihtne arvutite integreerimise süsteem.
Phone mount SKS Smartboy Plus black Phone mount SKS Smartboy Plus black 2
In stock
Telefoni kinnitused

Phone mount SKS Smartboy Plus black

29,99 €
The SKS Smartboy Plus smartphone mount has space for smartphones, small items and even a power bank and can be attached to the handlebars without tools
Muc-Off 3 Brush Set Muc-Off 3 Brush Set 2
In stock

Muc-Off 3 Brush Set

29,99 €
Our 3 most popular brushes in one handy pack!
Muc-Off Road Inflator Kit co2 Muc-Off Road Inflator Kit co2 2
In stock
CO2 pumbad

Muc-Off Road Inflator Kit co2

29,99 €
The Muc-Off Inflator kits help riders quickly inflate their tyres and get back to riding in no time! 
Lock One Folding 85cm
In stock

Lock One Folding 85cm

30,00 €
This invention will be loved by every commuter. Finally some lock with a high level of protection that doesn't weight like 10 pounds! Fold it, pack it to your bag and go. Unlocking is a piece of cake with a practical light on the key.
Muc-Off MTB Inflator Kit co2 Muc-Off MTB Inflator Kit co2 2
In stock
CO2 pumbad

Muc-Off MTB Inflator Kit co2

31,99 €
The Muc-Off Inflator kits help riders quickly inflate their tyres and get back to riding in no time! 
Silca Super secret chain lube Silca Super secret chain lube 2
In stock

Silca Super secret chain lube

32,00 €
Puhas ja vaikselt töötav vahapõhine määrdeaine, mis sobib ideaalselt täienduseks meie kuumsulavahale või kasutamiseks iseseisvalt.
Seatpack Basil Navigator Storm M Seatpack Basil Navigator Storm M 2
In stock

Seatpack Basil Navigator Storm M

32,50 €
The Basil Navigator Storm M is a practical and sporty saddle bag. This bag that comes in the color black is suitable for both women`s and men`s bikes.
Minipump BBB BMP-49 EasyRoad 185mm Minipump BBB BMP-49 EasyRoad 185mm 2
  • Soodus!
In stock
Mini pumbad

Minipump BBB BMP-49 EasyRoad 185mm

33,95 €
    Lightweight 6063 T6 aluminium mini pump with extractable hose     Lock system prevents the handle from sliding down     TwistHead pumphead; Unique screw-on valve system
Bobike Windscreen GO Vanilla Cup Cake
In stock

Bobike Windscreen GO Vanilla Cup Cake

34,90 €
The GO is an easy to use safety seat that is perfect for a versatile family that is ready to tackle the daily commute. 
Rear light BBB BLS-226 Spirit Rear light BBB BLS-226 Spirit 2
In stock
Jalgratta tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-226 Spirit

34,95 €
Spirit on iseloomuga tagumine valgusfoor. Selle kompaktne disain koos 9 individuaalse režiimiga teeb sellest tagumisest tulest täiusliku universaalse igapäevase kasutuse jaoks. Spirit on maksimaalselt 30 luumeniga ja sobib väga hästi kasutamiseks linnarattaga. Spiritiga saate turvaliselt liikluses liikuda. 
Tubebag BBB BSB-144 CornerCaddy Tubebag BBB BSB-144 CornerCaddy 2
In stock
34,95 €
Teie raami torude vahel on lõputu ruum, kus on võimalusi, et kanda endaga kaasa lasti. CornerCaddy võimaldab teil seda ruumi kasutada. Tänu 4 velcro rihmale on CornerCaddy lihtne kinnitada mitmesse kohta teie raami. Sinise sisemuse tõttu on lihtne oma asju üles leida ja saate kasutada eraldiseisvat salve mõnede baaride, võtmete või muude väikeste asjade...
Front light BBB BLS-225 Spirit Front light BBB BLS-225 Spirit 2
In stock

Front light BBB BLS-225 Spirit

34,95 €
Spirit on iseloomuga esilatern. Selle kompaktne disain koos 9 individuaalse režiimiga teeb sellest esilaternast ideaalse universaali igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Spirit sobib maksimaalselt 30 luumeni valgusviljakusega kõigi jalgrattatüüpidega kasutamiseks.
Bag Bontrager Pro Speed Box
In stock
Rack kotid

Bag Bontrager Pro Speed Box

35,00 €
Bontrager Pro Speed Box võimaldab teil varustada oma maanteeratast vajaliku lisavarustusega, ilma et see tekitaks lisakoguseid. Hoidke sõidu tarbeid, nagu toit, torud ja geelid, mugavalt ja turvaliselt oma ülemises torus, et saaksite jätkata kilomeetrite läbimist.
Bontrager Air Rush Road Mini Pump Bontrager Air Rush Road Mini Pump 2
In stock
35,00 €
A compact, versatile mini pump that can also be used as a CO₂ inflater for quick and easy inflation.
Computer Bontrager GO Time
In stock
Arvutid ja GPS

Computer Bontrager GO Time

35,00 €
Simple, easy-to-install wireless cycling computer that provides real-time speed, distance, and clock.
Front light BBB BLS-230 Stud 50 black Front light BBB BLS-230 Stud 50 black 2
In stock
35,95 €
Stud 50 jalgratta esilatern: teie linnarattasõidu hädavajalik. Navigeerige linnas kindlalt. Selle ainulaadne disain tagab teie nähtavuse, võttes samal ajal arvesse vastutulevat liiklust. Alumiiniumist jahutusplaat tagab optimaalse soojuse hajutamise, samas kui mälurežiim ja mitmevärviline akuindikaator lisavad mugavust. Uuendage oma linnasõite juba täna!
Pump Bontrager Charger Euro NEW Pump Bontrager Charger Euro NEW 2
In stock

Pump Bontrager Charger Euro

38,00 €
A reliable floor pump with a large easy-to-read gauge, an auto-select head and a stable base.
Bontrager Transmitr Wireless Remote Bontrager Transmitr Wireless Remote 2
  • −55%
Viimased tooted laos
40,50 € 90,00 €
The ANT+ Transmitr Remote brings the simple brilliance of wireless control to electronic bike accessories.
Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack M Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack M 2
In stock
Juhtraua kott

Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack M

42,95 €
Mõne asja hoidmine käeulatuses ja silmapiiril võib olla üsna praktiline. BarrelPack M on suurepärane kott, et hoida oma asju turvaliselt ja kaitsta neid ilmastikumõjude eest.
Rear light TREK Flare R City Rear light TREK Flare R City 2
In stock
Tagumised tuled

Rear light TREK Flare R City

44,99 €
A daylight-visible rear light with 35 Lumens of balanced light to keep you visible in the city, day or night.
Bagāžnieka soma Basil Mira, 17L, melna Bagāžnieka soma Basil Mira, 17L, melna 2
In stock
44,99 €
Basil Mira on praktiline valik jalgrattakoti jaoks, mis pakub lihtsat kinnitamist konksude süsteemi abil, ilmastikukindlat katet, helkurdetaile ja rohkelt lahtreid organiseeritumaks hoiustamiseks. Mahutab 17 liitrit.
Pump Bontrager Air Support HV Pro S Pump Bontrager Air Support HV Pro S 2
In stock
45,00 €
A compact mini pump that easily packs in your jersey pocket or bag and quickly inflates larger volume tyres.
Basil Discovery 365D single bag M, 9L, black mellee Basil Discovery 365D single bag M, 9L, black mellee 2
In stock
Basil Discovery 365D on sportlik, kerge ja kompaktne ühekorvrätik, mida saab hõlpsasti jalgrattaga kaasa võtta. Selle sportliku koti juurde kuulub veekindel vihmakate. Ühekohaline kandekott sobib jalgratta selga. Helkurid kolmel küljel muudavad teid pimedal ajal paremini nähtavaks. Mahutab 9 liitrit.
Rear light BBB BLS-168 Signal Pro Rear light BBB BLS-168 Signal Pro 2
In stock
Tagumised tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-168 Signal Pro

49,95 €
The Signal Pro bicycle rear light is a brighter and more advanced version of our iconic Signal light. Illuminate your rides with its 250 Lumen Day Flash mode for optimal daytime visibility, or one of the other modes for nighttime use. The 8 LEDs on each side display real-time battery status. With 270-degree visibility and dynamic flash patterns from two...
Pagasikott Basil Grand bicycle shopper, 23L, black Pagasikott Basil Grand bicycle shopper, 23L, black 2
In stock
Basil Grand on stiilne ja käepärane poekott, mille maht on 23 liitrit. See on musta värvi ja sobib ideaalselt ostude tegemiseks. Tänu mustale värvile on see stiilne ja luksuslik. See on valmistatud vetthülgavast 600D polüestrist ja sellel on suur põhiosa koos polsterdatud (sülearvuti) taskuga.
Basket Basil Bold Front KF  black
In stock
49,99 €
The Basil Bold Front KF is a black bicycle basket designed for attachment to the handlebars of a ladies’ or men`s bicycle. The basket has reflective details and is easily removable and height-adjustable.
Trek Blendr Saddle Bag Trek Blendr Saddle Bag 2
  • −20%
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Trek Blendr Saddle Bag

50,40 € 63,00 €
A secure, direct-mounted saddle bag with quick connections for the Blendr Fendr and rear lights
Lightset BBB BLS-231 Stud50 combo Lightset BBB BLS-231 Stud50 combo 2
In stock

Lightset BBB BLS-231 Stud50 combo

52,95 €
Suurendage oma jalgrattasõidu ohutust Stud 50 ja Slide tagumise valguskomplektiga. Komplekt koosneb Stud 50 esilaternast, mis pakub 50 luksi/ 250 luumeni valgusvihku, ja Slide tagatulest, mis tagab nähtavuse. Mõlemal tuledel on täiustatud akuindikaatorid ja mugavad mälurežiimid. Tutvuge meie valikuga ja kogege täiustatud ohutust igal pedaalilöögil!
Basil Discovery 365D single pannier bag L, 20L, black melee Basil Discovery 365D single pannier bag L, 20L, black melee 2
In stock
Basil Discovery 365D on sportlik, kerge ja kompaktne ühekorvrätik, mida saab hõlpsasti jalgrattaga kaasa võtta. Selle sportliku koti juurde kuulub veekindel vihmakate. Ühekohaline kandekott sobib jalgratta selga. Helkurid kolmel küljel muudavad teid pimedal ajal paremini nähtavaks. Mahutab 20 liitrit.
copy of Pannier Bontrager Town Double Black copy of Pannier Bontrager Town Double Black 2
In stock
58,00 €
The Bontrager Town Double Pannier is a simple, compact carrier that lets you do more and carry more by bike. Mounting is easy and secure via the unique universal bridge design. External pockets and compartments help secure and organise your cargo.
Front Bike Light TREK Ion 200 RT Front Bike Light TREK Ion 200 RT 2
In stock
59,00 €
Kompaktne ja võimas USB-laetav jalgratta esilatern, mis on päevasel ajal nähtav kuni 2 km kauguselt.
Computer Bontrager RIDEtime Black Computer Bontrager RIDEtime Black 2
In stock
Arvutid ja GPS

Computer Bontrager RIDEtime Black

59,00 €
A simple, user-friendly cycling computer that displays speed, distance, and even calories burned.
Bag Bontrager Adventure Frame M black Bag Bontrager Adventure Frame M black 2
  • −30%
In stock
59,50 € 85,00 €
  A durable frame bag made with water resistant construction that’s ready to add versatility and adventure to your bike.
Fenders BBB BFD-65S DiscGuard black Fenders BBB BFD-65S DiscGuard black 2
In stock

Fenders BBB BFD-65S DiscGuard black

59,95 €
Our DiscGuard fender set is a game-changer in fenders for disc brake bikes. Its quick-release design offers full coverage and great protection. This fender set is adjustable in both angle and height which ensures a perfect fit for your bike. The quick-release seat stay and fork mounting system allows hassle-free installation and removal. You mount the...
Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack L Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack L 2
In stock
Juhtraua kott

Bag BBB BSB-151 BarrelPack L

59,95 €
Mõne asja hoidmine käeulatuses ja silmapiiril võib olla üsna praktiline. BarrelPack M on suurepärane kott, et hoida oma asju turvaliselt ja kaitsta neid ilmastikumõjude eest.
Basil Flex bicycle backpack, 17L, forest green Basil Flex bicycle backpack, 17L, forest green 2
In stock
59,99 €
Basil Flex Backpack on jalgrattakott ja seljakott ühes. Seda moodsat jalgratta seljakotti saab hõlpsasti kinnitada oma jalgratta (ka elektrilise) hammasratta külge. Hook-On süsteemi abil saate selle seljakoti kiiresti jalgratta selga kinnitada. Koti helkurdetailid tagavad pimedal ajal täiendava nähtavuse. Mahutavus 17 liitrit.
Basket Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF brown Basket Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF brown 2
In stock
59,99 €
The Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF is a stylish bicycle basket designed for mounting on the handlebars of a ladies’ or men`s bicycles. The basket is made of synthetic rattan and is therefore weatherproof.
Basket Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF dark brown Basket Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF dark brown 2
In stock
The Basil Bremen Rattan Look KF is a stylish bicycle basket designed for mounting on the handlebars of a ladies’ or men`s bicycles. The basket is made of synthetic rattan and is therefore weatherproof.
Pump Bontrager Pro Flat Pack
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CO2 pumbad

Pump Bontrager Pro Flat Pack

60,00 €
Kompaktne ja tõhus viis, kuidas hoida lapikuga seotud hädavajalikke asju, et saaksite kiiresti jalgratta selga naasta.
Basil Boheme carry all bag, 18L, fig red Basil Boheme carry all bag, 18L, fig red 2
In stock
64,99 €
Add a splash of colour to every day with the Basil Boheme Carry All bike bag! This bike bag comes in deep red with an attractive bohemian print in water-resistant fabric, hook-and-loop fastenings and reflective details. Suitable for all luggage carriers, including e-bikes. Capacity 18 litres.
Fenders Bontrager NCS 700x35-44 Black
In stock
67,00 €
Izturīgi dubļusargi šosejas vai hibrīda velosipēdiem, ko var uzstādīt dažu sekunžu laikā un kas aprīkoti ar integrētu Blendr gaismas stiprinājumu.
Basil Ever-Green bicycle daypack, 14-19L, sandshell beige Basil Ever-Green bicycle daypack, 14-19L, sandshell beige 2
In stock
Basil Ever-Green Bike Bag on kaasaegne jalgrattakott. See on käekott, õlakott, seljakott ja rattakott ühes ja on valmistatud vastupidavast materjalist. Veekindel kangas. Kõik koti küljed on helkuriga, mis teeb teid pimedas paremini nähtavaks. Mahutavus 14 - 19 liitrit.
Child seat Bobike Mini ONE Fierce Flamingo Child seat Bobike Mini ONE Fierce Flamingo 2
Viimased tooted laos
74,90 €
The Bobike ONE lets you and your child(ren) explore the city by bike in a safe and unique way. On to the next urban adventure! 
Pannier Bontrager Town Double Black Pannier Bontrager Town Double Black 2
In stock
75,00 €
The Bontrager Town Double Pannier is a simple, compact carrier that lets you do more and carry more by bike. Mounting is easy and secure via the unique universal bridge design. External pockets and compartments help secure and organise your cargo.
Child seat on carrier Bobike ONE Junior black Child seat on carrier Bobike ONE Junior black 2
In stock
78,90 €
Pakub tuge 6-10-aastastele kuni 35 kg kaaluvatele lastele, kes on piisavalt vanad, et iseseisvalt jalgratta seljas istuda, kuid ei suuda ise veel pikemaid vahemaid läbida, või kes naudivad endiselt koos vanematega sõitmist.
Child seat on carrier Bobike ONE Junior black/dark brown Child seat on carrier Bobike ONE Junior black/dark brown 2
In stock
Pakub tuge 6-10-aastastele kuni 35 kg kaaluvatele lastele, kes on piisavalt vanad, et iseseisvalt jalgratta seljas istuda, kuid ei suuda ise veel pikemaid vahemaid läbida, või kes naudivad endiselt koos vanematega sõitmist.
Front light BBB BLS-171 StrikeDuo 1200 Front light BBB BLS-171 StrikeDuo 1200 2
In stock
Jalgratta tuled

Front light BBB BLS-171 StrikeDuo 1200

79,95 €
The StrikeDuo 1200 is the ultimate light to never miss anything while riding your bike! The two extremely bright LEDs emit 1200 lumen in an oval beam pattern with a very long burning time. Perfect for use on dark and unlit roads. The StrikeDuo 1200 is the most compact model in our StrikeDuo series due to the 15 mm shorter housing. The aluminum housing...
Basket Basil Bremen Wicker KF nature Basket Basil Bremen Wicker KF nature 2
Viimased tooted laos
79,99 €
The Basil Bremen Wicker is a classic choice of bicycle basket you can easily attach to the front of your bicycle.
Basil Bohème double bag, 35L, forest green Basil Bohème double bag, 35L, forest green 2
In stock
84,99 €
The Basil Boheme Double Bag is a double capacity bike bag with an elegant bohemian print and many user-friendly features. This double bike bag is both spacious and features a connecting cord, reflective details and a secure fastening. Suitable for all luggage carriers, including e-bikes. Waterproof fabric. Capacity 35 litres.
Trek Commuter Comp R Front Bike Light Trek Commuter Comp R Front Bike Light 2
In stock
89,99 €
Kindbeamiga ere esilatern, mis on mõeldud selleks, et hoida valgust eesoleval teel ja eemal vastutulevate ratturite silmadest.
Basil Portland - front carrier Basil Portland - front carrier 2
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94,99 €
The Basil Portland Front Carrier is a vintage-style aluminium bike carrier with spring-clamp fastening and a raised edge.
Bontrager Digital Shock Pump Bontrager Digital Shock Pump 2
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Mini pumbad

Bontrager Digital Shock Pump

95,00 €
Digitaalne amortisaatoripump, millel on täpne, hõlpsasti loetav mõõtur ja keermestatud disain, mis minimeerib äravoolu, nii et saate hõlpsasti reguleerida amortisaatorirõhku.
Bontrager BITS Integrated MTB Tool Bontrager BITS Integrated MTB Tool 2
Viimased tooted laos
95,00 €
Stow a multi-tool, chain breaker and master link securely in your fork’s steerer tube for quick and easy access when you need it.
Bag BBB BSB-137 carrier bag CarrierPack extensions grey... Bag BBB BSB-137 carrier bag CarrierPack extensions grey... 2
In stock
To carry all you need! Place the CarrierPack on your bikerack and you can bring everything you want. The endless cargo space of the CarrierPack will get you through your wildest adventures. Easy to attach with the velcro straps and even very practical off the bike due to the shoulder strap. The CarrierPack is equipped with all the features he should have....
Bag Bontrager Rapid Pack Hydro black Bag Bontrager Rapid Pack Hydro black 2
In stock
104,99 €
Be ready to ride at a moment's notice with plenty of space for MTB essentials on rides lasting two hours or less.
Bontrager City Boot Bag Bontrager City Boot Bag 2
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Rack kotid

Bontrager City Boot Bag

105,00 €
A simple, versatile bag featuring hook-and-loop straps designed to fit a wide range of rear cargo racks.
Trek CHRGtime Charging Station Trek CHRGtime Charging Station 2
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Arvutid ja GPS

Trek CHRGtime Charging Station

109,00 €
The Trek CHRGtime Charging Station offers a better way to charge your cycling electronics by eliminating cable clutter.
SILCA Chain Waxing System SILCA Chain Waxing System 2
In stock

SILCA Chain Waxing System

115,00 €
Simply wax the chain with the SILCA Chain Waxing System. The improved 600ml wax warmer with drip stand and chain hanger. The system takes up less space and collects excess wax.
Light set BBB BLS-174 StrikeDuo 1200 Combo Light set BBB BLS-174 StrikeDuo 1200 Combo 2
In stock
115,00 €
StrikeDuo 1200 on parim valgus, et jalgrattaga sõites ei jääks midagi vahele! Kaks äärmiselt eredat LED-i kiirgavad 1200 luumenit ovaalse valgusvihuga ja väga pika põlemisajaga. Sobib ideaalselt kasutamiseks pimedatel ja valgustamata teedel. StrikeDuo 1200 on meie StrikeDuo sarja kõige kompaktsem mudel tänu 15 mm lühemale korpusele. Alumiiniumist korpus...
Bontrager Adventure Handlebar Bag Bontrager Adventure Handlebar Bag 2
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Juhtraua kott

Bontrager Adventure Handlebar Bag

115,00 €
Vastupidav, hõlpsasti paigaldatav, vedelikuga ühilduv juhtraua kott, et saaksite kanda rohkem, kuhu iganes te ka ei rändaksite.
Bontrager City Shopper Pannier Bontrager City Shopper Pannier 2
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Rack kotid

Bontrager City Shopper Pannier

115,00 €
A simple, elegant pannier that is quickly installed or removed and includes a handy shoulder strap for easy shopping and loading for the ride home.
Pagasikott Basil SoHo bicycle backpack Nordlicht, 17L,... Pagasikott Basil SoHo bicycle backpack Nordlicht, 17L,... 2
In stock
Basil SoHo jalgrattakott Nordlicht on kaasaegne seljakott, millel on palju nutikaid funktsioone. See kott on seljakott ja rihmaratas ühes ja seda saab hõlpsasti rihmaratta külge kinnitada. Kotil on sisseehitatud LED-riba, mis muudab teid pimedas paremini nähtavaks. Kott on ka veekindel (IPX3). Mahutavus 17 liitrit.
Bag Bontrager MIK Utility Trunk Black Bag Bontrager MIK Utility Trunk Black 2
In stock
125,00 €
A versatile trunk bag featuring an expandable design to fit a wide range of cargo that quickly and securely mounts to compatible MIK racks.
Trek Adventure Frame Bag
In stock

Trek Adventure Frame Bag

129,00 €
The Trek Adventure Frame Bags stores all your gear inside the profile of your bike frame, making it your go-to bag for everyday adventures, extraordinary feats and every ride in between.
Front light BBB BLS-173 StrikeDuo 2000 Combo Front light BBB BLS-173 StrikeDuo 2000 Combo 2
In stock
129,00 €
The StrikeDuo 2000 is our most powerful headlight, emitting 2000 lumen in its highest mode in an oval beam. This headlight is particularly suitable for gravel- and MTB tracks where there is no other light around you. The StrikeDuo 2000 allows maximum light coverage of everything ahead of you over a long period of time. The aluminum housing makes the...
Trek Commuter Pro RT Front Bike Light Trek Commuter Pro RT Front Bike Light 2
In stock
179,99 €
Meie parim valgusti, mis on piisavalt hele radadel sõitmiseks ja millel on Kindbeam, et hoida valgus radadel ja eemal vastutulevate ratturite silmadest.
Rechargeable taillight TREK CarBack radar Rechargeable taillight TREK CarBack radar 2
In stock
219,00 €
CarBack aitab teil sõita enesekindlamalt tänu radarile, mis tuvastab tagant lähenevaid sõidukeid, ja tagatulega, mis on nähtav kuni 2 km kauguselt.
Viimased tooted laos


279,00 €
The KICKR HEADWIND is the first ever smart fan, designed with the cyclist in mind. Its Targeted Airflow Pattern mirrors the shape and position of a cyclist's body while riding. The KICKR HEADWIND is sensor controlled so as your speed or heart rate increases, so will the fan speed, and there are also 4 manual speed settings should you want to set your own...
Bobike Trailer Moobe Bobike Grey Bobike Trailer Moobe Bobike Grey 2
In stock

Bobike Trailer Moobe Bobike Grey

599,90 €
The Bobike Trailer is a multifunctional bicycle trailer that can be used as a bicycle trailer or a stroller. To use it as a trailer just connect it to the bicycle wheel with the provided mounting system. Bobike Trailer can comfortably carry one or two children inside (max. 44 kg). It can also be used as cargo transport to carry your sports equipment or...
In stock


699,00 €
The KICKR CORE is the latest in Wahoo's line of smart indoor bike trainers. It delivers a realistic, accurate, and quiet indoor training experience by using the proven flywheel technology and advanced algorithms of Wahoo's legendary indoor bike trainers. The KICKR CORE indoor trainer is built with the durabilty to withstand all of your indoor training...
Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml howlite Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml howlite 2
Coming soon

Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml howlite

10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml onyx Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml onyx 2
Coming soon

Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml onyx

10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml limestone Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml limestone 2
Coming soon

Water Bottle Gobik FLY 550ml limestone

10,00 €
Usaldusväärne veepudel, mis tagab puhta, järjepideva ja kiire veega varustamise igal sõidul. 100 % lekkekindel disain ja suurepärane pigistatavus teevad sellest jalgrattaveepudelist esmaklassilise veepudeli.
Rear light SUP LIGHT 05 Rear light SUP LIGHT 05 2
Coming soon
Tagumised tuled

Rear light SUP LIGHT 05

10,00 €
Don't get carried away by this rear LED light's compact size. It has a shining power of 20 lumens and a decent battery time! Choose from a variety of shining modes.
Bell BBB-17 Noisy black Bell BBB-17 Noisy black 2
Coming soon

Bell BBB-17 Noisy black

13,95 €
The lightweight brass bicycle bell with steel spring system can be mounted in various positions. Quick-release straps fits all diameters. Easy to install and remove.
Rear light BBB BLS-145 Salute USB Rear light BBB BLS-145 Salute USB 2
Coming soon
Tagumised tuled

Rear light BBB BLS-145 Salute USB

17,95 €
Salute on väga kompaktne ja hele tagumine tuli, mis on mõeldud paigaldamiseks istmetoele. See hoiab teid turvaliselt, tagades suurepärase nähtavuse teistele liiklejatele, pika sõiduaja ja sõiduaja ohutusrežiimi. Mälurežiim pakub lisamugavust, kuna see mäletab, millist režiimi viimati kasutati.
Basket Bellelli 5kg blue Basket Bellelli 5kg blue 2
Coming soon

Basket Bellelli 5kg blue

25,00 €
Bellelli Plaza is a line of lightweight plastic baskets that enrich your bike. Easily installable and removable, allowing you to also be used from the handlebar disassembled and then be hang up in seconds, ideal for shopping and leisure.
Tool Bontrager Torque Wrench 5 Nm
Coming soon

Tool Bontrager Torque Wrench 5 Nm

25,99 €
Eelseadistatud pöördemomendi mutrivõti tagab turvalise reguleerimise, vältides samal ajal ülepingutamisest tulenevaid kahjustusi.
CyclingCeramic WAX 3 + 1 Free
Coming soon
29,00 €
CyclingCeramic Starter Chain Wax komplekt on parim valik kirglikele jalgratturitele, kes on mures oma jõuülekande jõudluse ja vastupidavuse pärast. See kõrgekvaliteediliste koostisosadega valmistatud vaha pakub erakordset kaitset kulumise, korrosiooni ja mustuse kogunemise eest, tagades samal ajal sujuva ja tõhusa jõuülekande. See kõige nõudlikumateks...
Basket Basil Bremen KF Front black
Coming soon
31,99 €
The Basil Bremen KF is a modern and sturdy bicycle basket for attachment to the handlebars of a ladies’ or men`s bicycle. The black basket is suitable for KF systems (sold separately).
Lightset BBB BLS-144 StudCombo strap Lightset BBB BLS-144 StudCombo strap 2
Coming soon

Lightset BBB BLS-144 StudCombo strap

34,95 €
Kahe väga usaldusväärse valgusti, Stud 33 ja Salute kombinatsioon. Mõlemad tuled on kompaktsed ja pakuvad heledat valguse väljundit. Stud 33 on tuntud oma nutika valgusvihu kuju poolest, mis pakub laia vaatevälja, ilma et see pimestaks vastutulevat liiklust. Salute tagab tänu oma heledale valgusvoogudele teie nähtavuse teistele liiklejatele tagantpoolt....
Speed sensor BBB BCP-65 SmartSpeed
Coming soon
Arvutid ja GPS

Speed sensor BBB BCP-65 SmartSpeed

39,95 €
To keep track of your speed while riding your bike, your computer can probably use its GPS system, but to make sure you got the right data everywhere at any time, the SmartSpeed will help you. Attach the SmartSpeed easily to the axle of any wheel, and connect it with your ANT+ computer. Easy and fast accurate data!
Light set BBB BLS-237 Slide black Light set BBB BLS-237 Slide black 2
Coming soon
Jalgratta tuled

Light set BBB BLS-237 Slide black

39,95 €
Slide Combo valguskomplekt on mõeldud teie jalgrattasõidu ohutuse suurendamiseks. Slide-tuled on kompaktsed ja multifunktsionaalsed, varustatud klambri ja rihmaga. Märkimisväärne on USB-porti kattev veekindel libisev süsteem, mis tagab vastupidavuse.
Fender set SKS Raceblade PRO XL Fender set SKS Raceblade PRO XL 2
Coming soon
45,00 €
The ulimate clip-on mudguard set for road bikes for tyre width up to 25mm. Its smart, double hinged quick release fitting system also fits aero forks and is also compatible with disc brakes, direct mount brakes and thru axles. 
Fenders SKS Raceblade PRO 700x25 Black Fenders SKS Raceblade PRO 700x25 Black 2
Coming soon
45,00 €
The ulimate clip-on mudguard set for road bikes for tyre width up to 25mm. Its smart, double hinged quick release fitting system also fits aero forks and is also compatible with disc brakes, direct mount brakes and thru axles. 
Bag TREK Adventure Top Tube Bag TREK Adventure Top Tube 2
Coming soon
Rack kotid

Bag TREK Adventure Top Tube

45,00 €
Keep your must-have accessories within reach for the ride ahead with an easy-to-access Trek Adventure Top Tube Bag.
copy of Front light BBB BLS-141 Stud black copy of Front light BBB BLS-141 Stud black 2
Coming soon
49,95 €
·       Super bright light that doesn't blind other traffic users ·       Efficient squared beam for optimal view ·       Beam with a great side visibility ·       Tool free mounting system
Front light BBB BLS-162 AdventureStrike 600 Front light BBB BLS-162 AdventureStrike 600 2
Coming soon
59,95 €
Kas olete valmis seikluseks? AdventureStrike 600 juhatab teed! See 600 luumeniga esilatern on varustatud meie HelmetMount 2.0-ga ja sellel on uskumatu võimsuse ja suuruse suhe, mis tagab optimaalse kaalutasakaalu. Selle väike suurus mõjutab teie kiivrit minimaalselt, kuid annab siiski suure hulga valgust. AdventureStrike 600-ga saate valgustada iga seiklust!
Fenders Bontrager NCS-1 700x28-35 Black
Coming soon
64,99 €
Izturīgi dubļusargi šosejas vai hibrīda velosipēdiem, ko var uzstādīt dažu sekunžu laikā un kas aprīkoti ar integrētu Blendr gaismas stiprinājumu.
Trek Adventure Triangle Bag Trek Adventure Triangle Bag 2
Coming soon

Trek Adventure Triangle Bag

79,99 €
With a low profile that easily integrates into your frame, the Trek Adventure Triangle Bag is a must-have for smaller bike frames and endurance riders.
Headlight Bontrager Ion Comp R Headlight Bontrager Ion Comp R 2
Coming soon
89,00 €
Ion Comp R pakendab kestva valguse võimsuse elegantsesse ja kompaktsesse disainisse, mis sobib igale maantee-, mägi- või linnarattale. Valgustage oma teed viie režiimiga, sealhulgas päevase sõidutule režiimiga, mis on mõeldud sõitja nähtavuse suurendamiseks päeval ja on nähtav 2 km kauguselt.
Kuvatakse 1–482 toodet (kokku 482)
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