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Linnarattad ja turismi jalgrattad
Cross bike Dual Sport 2 Equipped Stagger Gen 5 Juniper
TREK_DS_2_gen5_staggereq_ juniper
1 049,00 €
Dual Sport 2 on võimekas ja enesekindel hübriidratas, millega on lõbus sõita nii maanteedel kui ka raudteeradadel ja mujal. Sellel on kerge raam, vastupidav 18-käiguline jõuülekanne ja võimsad hüdraulilised ketaspidurid, mis tagavad tõsise pidurdusvõime. Laiad rattad ja kõrged rehvid neelavad konarusi ja ebatasast maastikku, et sõita mugavalt ja kindlalt...
1 149,00 €
799,20 €
999,00 €
Marlin 6 is a cross country mountain bike built to give you an efficient off-road ride with a suspension fork that locks out, and smoother-shifting 1x10 drivetrain. It's made for mountain biking, but it's also equipped with features like rack and kickstand mounts that make it a great choice for adventurous daily commutes.
MTB mägijalgrattad
Mountainbike TREK Marlin 6 Gen 3 Miami Green to Dark Aquatic Fade
799,20 €
999,00 €
Marlin 6 is a cross country mountain bike built to give you an efficient off-road ride with a suspension fork that locks out, and smoother-shifting 1x10 drivetrain. It's made for mountain biking, but it's also equipped with features like rack and kickstand mounts that make it a great choice for adventurous daily commutes.
MTB mägijalgrattad
Mountainbike TREK Marlin 6 Gen 3 Rage Red to Deep Dark Blue Fade
799,20 €
999,00 €
Marlin 6 is a cross country mountain bike built to give you an efficient off-road ride with a suspension fork that locks out, and smoother-shifting 1x10 drivetrain. It's made for mountain biking, but it's also equipped with features like rack and kickstand mounts that make it a great choice for adventurous daily commutes.
MTB mägijalgrattad
Mountainbike TREK Marlin 6 Gen 3 Galactic Grey to Lithium Grey Fade
799,20 €
999,00 €
Marlin 6 is a cross country mountain bike built to give you an efficient off-road ride with a suspension fork that locks out, and smoother-shifting 1x10 drivetrain. It's made for mountain biking, but it's also equipped with features like rack and kickstand mounts that make it a great choice for adventurous daily commutes.
824,25 €
1 099,00 €
Marlin 7 is where race-worthy mountain bikes begin. The smooth, lightweight RockShox fork and upgraded parts make this model the best choice for new riders who want a fast cross country hardtail that will hold its own against our higher-end race bikes.
1 049,00 €
1 049,00 €