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Teie ostukorvis pole rohkem tooteid
15,00 €
To be used exclusively with Bontrager Tubeless Ready (TLR) rims.
15,00 €
To be used exclusively with Bontrager Tubeless Ready (TLR) rims.
620,00 €
Tõsta taset kaasaegsete süsinikust mägijalgratta rataste tõestatud kiiruse, vastupidavuse ja sõiduomadustega.
720,00 €
A pro-level cross country MTB wheel with a wide internal rim width for the best tyre support and performance available.
699,00 €
The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 37 is a good choice for riders who are looking for a high-performance wheelset that is suitable for a variety of riding conditions. It is also a good option for riders who are looking to upgrade their current wheelset without breaking the bank.
699,00 €
The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 51 is a good choice for riders who are looking for a high-performance wheelset that is suitable for a variety of riding conditions. It is also a good option for riders who are looking to upgrade their current wheelset without breaking the bank.
899,00 €
The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 37 is a good choice for riders who are looking for a high-performance wheelset that is suitable for a variety of riding conditions. It is also a good option for riders who are looking to upgrade their current wheelset without breaking the bank.
1 200,00 €
Uuendage meie kõige kergemate ja kiireimate XC MTB rataste peale, millega Trek Factory Racingu profid on võidu sõitnud.
1 149,00 €
Kerge ja vastupidav süsinikust maanteeratas, mille sisemine laius on 25 mm ja OCLV NEXT süsinikkonstruktsioon, mis on optimeeritud suurema mahuga maantee- ja kruusarehvide jaoks.
100,00 €
A pro-level cross country MTB wheel with a wide internal rim width for the best tyre support and performance available.
499,00 €
Kõrge väärtusega ja suure jõudlusega 35 mm sügavune süsinikust ratas, mille sisemine laius on 25 mm, et toetada kõige paremini laiemaid rehve.
599,00 €
Kõrge väärtusega ja suure jõudlusega 35 mm sügavune süsinikust ratas, mille sisemine laius on 25 mm, et toetada kõige paremini laiemaid rehve.
760,00 €
The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 37 is a good choice for riders who are looking for a high-performance wheelset that is suitable for a variety of riding conditions. It is also a good option for riders who are looking to upgrade their current wheelset without breaking the bank.
930,00 €
The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 37 is a good choice for riders who are looking for a high-performance wheelset that is suitable for a variety of riding conditions. It is also a good option for riders who are looking to upgrade their current wheelset without breaking the bank.
1 250,00 €
Kiire, kerge ja vastupidav süsinikust maanteeratas 25 mm siselaiusega, 37 mm sügavusega ja DT Swiss 240 rattarattaga, mis sobib ideaalselt suurema mahuga maantee- ja kruusarehvide jaoks.
1 550,00 €
Kiire, kerge ja vastupidav süsinikust maanteeratas 25 mm siselaiusega, 37 mm sügavusega ja DT Swiss 240 rattarattaga, mis sobib ideaalselt suurema mahuga maantee- ja kruusarehvide jaoks.